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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 12(80) 2019
Philadelphia, USA |
Impact Factor 6.630 |
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)
e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)
Year: 2019
Issue: 12
Volume: 80
Published: 30.12.2019
Pages: 696 |
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1. Blagorodov, A. A., Bordukh, D. O., & Prokhorov, V. T. About improvement of the union of the orthopedist and producers of corrective means for reduction of pathological deviations of feet at children (message 1). 2. Amirov, A. O. Philosophy of history as an interdisciplinary problem of modern social and humanitarian sciences. 3. Abdirashidov, A., & Abdirashidova, G. Approximate solution of some linear delay differential equations in medicine. 4. Bayramov, Y. I., & Achundov, Y. H. Provision of physical factors in fixation of full denture. 5. Khalmurzaeva, N. T. Methods for classification of verbal forms of politeness category in Japanese. 6. Qodirova, Z. Q. Forming professional qualities on future nursery nurses. 7. Nosirova, U. I. Pragmasemantic features of the poetic text. 8. Mansurova, K. K., Ubaydullaev, S. N., Rakhimov, K. T., Zhurabaev, B. R., & Bobokhonov, M. Y. Symbolic meaning of color in phraseological units on the material of English, German, Russian and Uzbek languages. 9. Esanov, A. M. Children`s songs related to seasons. 10. Zherebkova, T. E., Selutina, A. I., & Vershinina, G. I. Electronic legal proceedings in civil proceedings of Russia and Kazakhstan. 11. Muhammadiyeva, Z. B. History of fine art in Uzbekistan, its types and genres. 12. Tursunov, K. A. On the history of the emergence of “Maqom” or “Shashmaqom”. 13. Nasriddinova, N. K. The process of formation of musical art in Central Asia. 14. Zakirova, Z. A. Scientific basis for introducing pedagogical technologies in music education. 15. Usmanov, J. B., & Tojiboyeva, D. B. The importance of studying history as a subject. 16. Khuramov, U. K. Formation, development and history of harmony. 17. Choriyev, B. B. Ideological bases for the modernization of Uzbek folk instruments. 18. Muratova, S. C. The history of Uzbek national dance, its types and schools. 19. Rakhmonova, D. N. Development of music culture for elementary school pupils with using interactive software. 20. Shron, L. To the question of the peculiarities of transient processes in friction welding. 21. Makhkamova, M. Y. Universities is guarantee of social development. 22. Kholmuradov, R., & Asadova, M. Ways to improve attraction of foreign investments and creation of investment climate for them. 23. Rashidov, J. Measuring sound insulation of air noise. 24. Khushnazarov, K. K., & Mamadalieva, Y. M. Modern complex of echographic diagnosis of focal thyroid formations. 25. Khushnazarov, K. K. Application of modern ultrasound technologies at diagnosis focal formations of gland diseases. 26. Jasim, A. R., & Hassan, M. B. Generation of terahertz field by nonlinear interaction between laser beam and plasma. 27. Arslanov, A. K. Amir Temur pysiognomy in literary sources. 28. Enazarov, T. About us: dialectology today and it’s future. 29. Chemezov, D., et al. The calculated deformed volume of the brake drum casting of the car. 30. Gurbanova, A. N. Intonation differences and similarities of discourses from verbal sentences. 31. Mamayusupova, S. Artistic expression of the cursing genre in Shukur Kholmirzayev’s stories. 32. Sarimsakova, D. Communicative competence as a result of EF teaching and learning. 33. Ahmedov, U. Interaction patterns in ELT teaching: group work and pair work. 34. Rahmonova, D., & Boychayeva, D. Task-based language teaching approach in ESP classroom. 35. Rajabov, M. J., & Rajabova, X. X. Self-consciousness of students in social and psychological mechanisms. 36. Hazratkulova, E. The image ehsan davlatbek in «Babur-name». 37. Toshpulatova, D. The role of mental arithmetic in improving mathematical literacy in primary school. 38. Turaboyeva, M. Y. The use of algorithms at different stages of education in secondary school. 39. Norbekova, G. Motivation in learning grammar of a second language. 40. Turdiyeva, R. Complex cases of verbal stress in Russian. 41. Kasimov, U. Issues of creative influence and innovation. 42. Islomova, M., & Djurayev, H. Ancient sourse of symbols and figurativeness. 43. Abdurakhmanov, B. S. Work on the lexicon at lessons of the native language. 44. Nabulin, R. R. Speech errors of primary school students. 45. Khosiyatov, K. O. History of Kashkadarya museum culture. 46. Salokhiddinova, N. I. Expression of a passion for poetry by Zebo Mirzo. 47. Abrarov, S. A. Uzbekistan in the modern world: the secular path of development and islamic fundamentalism (reflections on today and tomorrow through the prism of global problems). 48. Mirzakulov, X. C., & Tojiev, R. R. Processing brine of salt lakes of Karakalpakstan in products of economic purpose. 49. Safarov, I. I., Ergashev, M. T., & Kulmuratov, N. R. Oscillations of spherical heterogeneity in a viscoelastic medium. 50. Safarov, I. I., Kulmuratov, N. R., & Boltaev, Z. I. Unsteady oscillations of cylindrical shells under the influence of internal explosive loads. 51. Akhmedova, M. T. The matters of science and upbringing in Amir Temur’s viewpoints. 52. Abdullayeva, D. S., Rafikova, F. A., & Obilov, M. O. The study of phraseological units under the heading of linguopragmatics. 53. Topildiyev, O. R. Formation of tolerance in the youth. 54. Nazarova, Y. X., & Mirzayeva, Z. A. Multiple intelligences and studying skills. 55. Babaxanova, D. A., & Sobirova, M. Y. About the history of speech culture and art of oratory. 56. Abdullayev, K. A. Using technologies of subjects’ integration in teaching uzbek classic literature. 57. Ubaydullaev, S. N., Turdiev, K. Z., Tursunov, Z. Z., Shamsiddinov, U. Z., & Dadaboev, S. M. Formation of socio-cultural competence on the basis of phraseological units. 58. Ismatullayev, A. T. Treatises and materials about science of Tajweed published in Turkestan. 59. Yurchenko, O. I., Chernozhuk, T. V., & Kravchenko, O. A. Chromatographic determination of stevia in sugar substitutes with medical properties. 60. Kozhevnikov, V. A., & Pankratova, E. S. Development of a tool for interpretation of labaratory analysis results. 61. Bazarova, Z. International assessment of the quality of education: participation of Uzbekistan in PISA-2021 research. 62. Nazarova, Z. Technology of improving the personality of creative teachers. 63. Mavlanov, S. Description of features of the concept of spirituality in the political system. 64. Kholikulova, S. Impact of industrial production on the ecological environment of Navoi region. 65. Blagovisny, D. Y., Goryachev, V. S., Semenova, A. V., & Kuterin, D. A. Estimating project timelines using a modification of the PERT method. 66. Khamrokulov, G., Adilova, S. R., & Khamrakulov, M. G. The philophy of quality, product quality and management. 67. Safarov, I. I., Тeshaev, M. K., Boltaev, Z. I., Kulmuratov, N. R., & Hamroev, N. N. Own waves in a spatial viscoelastic cylinder with radial crack. 68. Yakubova, M. A., Kambarbekova, R. M., Ахundjanov, K. A., & Alimbaev, S. A. Research of sorption properties of hybrid zirconil-silica composite sorption materials. 69. Alimova, N. R. Improving technology of individualization on education for students of technical specialties in teaching English. 70. Mukhamedjanova, S. D. Improvement of pedagogical conditions for the development of communicative culture in future higher education specialists. 71. Saidov, K. G. The role of national values in upbringing of young people with the sense of patriotism. 72. Khodjaev, S. B. The concept of innovation, its scientific and philosophical studies. 73. Suk, Y.C., Maksudov, J., Numonov, S., & Axmedov, A. Analysis and some directions of forecasting the development of the economy of Uzbekistan. 74. Suk, Y. C., Maksudov, J., Numonov, S., & Axmedov, A. Some aspects of forecasting as part of macroeconomic analysis. 75. Kuldashova, N. B., & Kuldashov, A. Some different difficulties in sports exercises. 76. Kuldashova, N. B. Theoretical view points of linguists on terminology. 77. Ganjiyev, F. F., & Tulayev, K. U. Researching the scope of professional competence within activities. 78. Ibragimov, M. B. Methodological basis of planning exercise of female football players. 79. Kurbonazarova, N. A review of some wedding customs in the Surkhandarya Area. 80. Turdieva, D. M. The religious tolerance in Malaysia. 81. Annayeva, N. R. Immanent signs of women entrepreneurship and gender issues. 82. Khojamqulov, D., Yusupova, S., & Zayniddinov, R. Socio-economic development with foreign trade (trio of emerging markets, transition economy and investment attractiveness). 83. Kurbonov, N. M., & Ibragimova, K. A. Mathematical modeling of the problems of multidimensional three-phased filtration. 84. Khaydarova, L. S., & Umarova, F. R. Ideological-sociological approaches to the spirituality. 85. Bekchanov, S. I., Tojiyev, N. S., & Naraliyev, N. S. Tasks of forming ideological struggling qualities of youth. 86. Tuychieva, S. J., & Khusanova, F. Z. Uzbek family is as the main sourse of upbringing. 87. Khusanova, F. Z., & Tuychieva S. J. Using pedagogical technologies in teaching primary class pupils. 88. Kirgizov, N. Integration of disciplines in primary education. 89. Kuchkarov, B. A. «Devon lugatit turk» as a source of pramocaine. 90. Abdurakhmanov, M., & Valiev, K. On the concept of nonequivalent vocabulary. 91. Fayzullaeva, D.N., Fayzullaev, S.B., Ibragimov, A.R., Ibragimova, L.S., & Almamatova, S. Dialectiums used in dastan “Alpamish”. 92. Descallar, J. S. A., & Asuncion, J. E. Health and safety practices of nurses in the emergency rooms of selected secondary hospitals. 93. Boltayev, A. From the history of the irrigational development of Djizak oasis. 94. Pasechkina, T. N. Communicative tolerance in the context of social skills. 95. Amanlayev, A. X., & Tosboyev, B. E. Exemplary set in the development of national character. 96. Alidjanova, L. A. The value of the scientific approach in the study of religions and science. 97. Usarov, U. A. Some considerations on the pecularities of Russian empire’s politics in Turkestan. 98. Vishnevskaya, I. L. Establishment of results of activity in forensic examination. 99. Shkurina, M. V., & Sabinin, O. Y. Rhetorical structure theory and its application to automatic text summarization. 100. Allambergenova, G. K. Karakalpak dastan “Edige” and “Sharyar” from the point of view of foreign scientists: some problems of typology of magic events of plot motives. 101. Makhsudov, D. R. Mufassirs of Mawarannahr. 102. Sakieva, O. B. Practice and application of hierarchical analysis. 103. Khamraeva, O. J. Analysis of the Rhyme "Uyubi" (According to "Risolai Kofia" by Abdurrahman Jami and "Funun ul-balaga" by Ahmad Tarazi). 104. Kodirova, M. T. Classification of addressing forms and their structural principles. 105. Burieva, U. A. Charecteristic features of incomplete senences. 106. Khimmatova, G. A. Artistic interpretation of war in the works of Kuchkar Norkobil. 107. Xolmuminova, O. J. Legal foundations of environmental education and upbringing as well as the application of innovative ideas in its improvement. 108. Nasirov, A. N. Stylistic units and compositional impartiality. 109. Amonturdiev, N. R. Information about ethnographisms on farming, animal husbandry and folk games in “Devoni Lug`atit turk”. 110. Yuldashev, N. T. Tradition and novelty in Chulpon poetry. 111. Khudayberganova, G. N. Analysis of the phenomenon of asceticism in the teachings of world religions. 112. Bobokulova, G. S. Innovative methods of teaching English. 113. Ochilov, A. T. Dating of the zamanbaba culture: ased on archaeological sources. 114. Yakhyayeva, N. K. Universal values in Uzbek culture: lingvocultural analysis. 115. Shofiyev, O. B. The image of the child and the motivation of childhood in Erkin Azam's works. 116. Kasimov, M. International assessment research: the teaching of PISA and PIRLS materials in general secondary schools, scientific methods. 117. Niyozova, S. Formation of creative thinking in primary school students. 118. Rasulova, Z. Fundamentals of creative thinking skills development in students. 119. Rasulova, Z., & Babamuratov, I. Psychological and pedagogical features of the development of modern families. 120. Nuriddinov, N. Reduplication of adverbs, past and present participles in Persian language. 121. Ahmedov, H. Y. Phrasealogical structure in “Alpomish” epic language. 122. Nizametdinov, N. G. The Short History of Indian Turkic Language and Literature. 123. Adizova, I. The Genre of Musallas in Uzbek classical literature. 124. O'rozboyeva, M. Historical foundations of the appearance of the female image. 125. Muratov, D., & Jurayeva, M. Mention of stories in hadises of the prophet. 126. Olimov, T. H. Spiritual and moral aspects of the formation of civil culture in future specialists of higher education. 127. Abzalbekuly, B. Methods of group work as the basis for enhancing educational process. 128. Adilov, A. N., Djakipov, K. D., & Maloev, N. G. Reform of the system of internal affairs bodies – the basis for improving the bodies that protect public order. 129. Quttimuratova, I. A. Lingua-geographical study of the lexical dialectology of the Kazakhs in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. 130. Kilicheva, M. R. Depiction of human psyche in Ulugbek Khamdam’s novel “Loneliness”. 131. Isakdjanov, R. R. Thinkers of the Eastern peripatetism.