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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 03(83) 2020
Philadelphia, USA |
Impact Factor 6.630 |
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)
e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)
Year: 2020
Issue: 03
Volume: 83
Published: 30.03.2020
Pages: 500 |
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1. Kurpayanidi, K. I. On the problem of macroeconomic analysis and forecasting of the economy. 2. Naumenko, O. Cognitive aspects of ecological consciousness. 3. Yuldasheva, M. B. History of the English Uzbek translation. 4. Mamatkulova, N. M. Strategics for improving the competitiveness of innovative marketing in industry enterprises. 5. Yusupdjanova, N., & Karimov, I. Investment projects in the field of construction materials production. 6. Tojiboeva, M. R. Arabism in Hamza's Enlightenment Works. 7. Taghiyeva, M. The degree of keeping the speech style in the translation of Dostoyevsky’s “The Devils” novel. 8. Fazilov, A. S., & Kuchimov, M. K. Development of a visual programming algorithm for bim-models using module of structures by dynamo module. 9. Chemezov, D., et al. Destruction of the billet material during planing. 10. Toshaliyeva, S. T. The concept of «Business potential»: essence, economic significance. 11. Normurodov, C. B., Toyirov, A. X., & Yuldashev, S. M. Numerical modeling of nonlinear wave systems by the spectral-grid method. 12. Mamadiyarov, A. Linguistic features of social euphemisms in the Uzbek language. 13. Xudoyberdiyeva, G. A. Lexical synonym level in Uzbek. 14. Shinnazarova, S. J., & Mambetova, G. J. Paronimia in the Karakalpak language. 15. Omonov, D. E. Development of knowledge and skills in chemical structures and properties of paints in painting art lessons. 16. Rahmonov, S. M. Social and moral worldview of Amir Temur and Sufism. 17. Xayitov, S. N. Socio-economic significance of human resource management. 18. Akhmedov, B. Y. Technology of teaching listening comprehension in Russian language. 19. Barakatova, D. A. Classical images in Cholpon’s poetry. 20. Akhmedova, D. B. Teaching homonyms in Uzbek and English languages. 21. Gafurova, O. M. Some peculiarities of carpet weaving products. 22. Fayozova, D. S. Comment of artistic means used in the novel “Days gone by”. 23. Mustaqimova, Q. S. Peculiar features of the modern media language. 24. Zaripov, N. N. Using methods of foreign experiences in teaching informatics and information technologies in school. 25. Salikhov, N. D., & Ziyavitdinova, N. M. Improvement of education system management based on modern management approaches. 26. Izzatullaeva, G. A. About vaccination against tuberculosis. 27. Khafizova, M. Theoretical bases of formation of motivation in teaching speech skills at the modern stage. 28. Tolibayev, K. Y. The specifics of perception in the Karakalpak epic poems of toponyms “Mysyr”, “Isfakhan”, “Rum”, “Crimea”. 29. Turniyazova, S. N. Some remarks on text linguistics. 30. Melibaev, M., Dadakhozhaev, A., Mamadzhonov, M. M., & Khaydarov, S. E. Experimental methods for determining deformations and stresses of tractor wheel tires. 31. Abdullayev, O. Mixed finite element method for solving elasticity theory problems. 32. Abdullayev, O. Iterative method for solving matrix equations for two-dimensional problems of elasticity theory. 33. Asadova, M. S., & Kakhramonov, K. S. Blockchain technologies in the digital economy of Uzbekistan. 34. Kurbanova, M. M., Asadov, K. A., Huseyinov, E. Z., Safarova, A. S., & Abdullaeva, F. M. The Synthesis of optically active methyl 2,7,7-trimethyl-5-oxo-4- (4-methoxyphenyl) -1,4,5,6,7,8-hexahydroxynolin-3-carboxylate based on modified Hans reaction. 35. Kostyuchenko, R. Y. Exponential equations and their basic types as an element of the content of teaching mathematics in senior high school. 36. Аbiev, N. А., & Askerbekova, Z. K. Using maple to tensor calculus. 37. Sulaymonova, H. M. The anthology of Kanz Al-kuttab by Abu Mansur al-Tha?alibi and Arabic writers of Mavaraunnakhrin the 10-11th centuries. 38. Ahrorova, R. U. Semantic analysis of phraseological units representing age periods in French and Uzbek languages. 39. Sayidova, S. Y. Psychological properties of the early childhood period. 40. Rasulov, T. S., & Rasulova, D. V. Directions of ensuring national currency stability and the main aspects of the development of foreign exchange rate in Uzbekistan. 41. Sherzhanova, F. K. The system of images in the tragedy (On the basis of dramas by P. Tlegenov "Tragedy Begzhap" and "Revolution Dawn" of K. Yashin). 42. Toylibayev, S. M. Main gymnastics - as one of the means to increase professional activity of students of faculties of physical education. 43. Usmonova, L. Image philosophy of central Asian miniature art. 44. Usmonov, F. N. The role rationalization in the acceleration of life sequence. 45. Dostiyev, T. M. Luster faience wares painted on milky white glaze from the town of Shamkir. 46. Kulmuratov, N. R., Axmedov, H. I., & Salimjonov, H. Energetic approach to research of the behavior of underground thin-wall structure in seismic explosion hazards. 47. Khayitov, Z. U. The factor of national identity and its role in the system of the subject "Nation". 48. Ilamosi, E. E., & Oluyinka, S. Acceptance of human resource information technology in Nigeria. 49. Yurchenko, O. I., Chernozhuk, T. V., & Kravchenko, O. A. Attestation of a test sample of piracetam to determine the accompanying impurities within the professional testing program. 50. Davidov, M. A., Rustamov, K. R., & Umarov, M. M. About some populations of Ferula Lipskyi Korovin (apiaceae) found in the Ferghana valley. 51. Kamalova, D. E. Theoretical and practical study of the genre of novella in Karakalpak literature. 52. Marziyaev, J. K. The principles of the development of present Karakslpakstan's mass media. 53. Azizov, S. U. Is it objective or a life need to introduce customs audit in Uzbekistan ?!: Theoretical basis and practical experiences. 54. Krakhmaleva, Y. R., & Saken, K. Operational method for solving linear differential equations with constant coefficients in maple. 55. Makhmarasulov, S. S., Enileev, N. S., & Sultonov, K. S. Morpho-biological and productive features of strawberry varieties. 56. Khalafova, I. A., & Rahimov, R. A. Development of alternative fuel generation technology under the influence of magnetic fields from oil coke. 57. Shixaliyev, K. S., Abbasova, N. V., Qulizad?, P. N., Rehimli, E. H., & Aqayev, A. E. Determination of compatibility of polymer systems, SKEP, PU, KHKPE and chemical features of their mixtures. 58. Norqobilov, M. X. The importance of social environment of temur and the temurians period and the period he lived in the scientific work of sa’duddin taftazani. 59. Praded, A. S. On n-multiple ?-fiberedfitting classes of finite groups. 60. Indiaminov, R., Narkulov, A. S., & Zarpullaev, U. K. Mathematical modeling of magnetoelastic vibrations of a rod in a magnetic field. 61. Charkviani, I., Tkhelidze, N. N., & Grdzelidze, M. G. Studying the package of materials used in manufacture of racha dancing suit. 62. Tkhelidze, N. N., Grdzelidze, M. G., & Charkviani, I. Quality assessment in manufacture of clothing. 63. Sadikov, R. M. Teacher's work on artwork at reading lessons at primare school. 64. Sadykova, A. V. Use of information technologies in teaching students of primary education to solve combinatorics problems. 65. Astanova, G. A. A masterpiece of Arabian tales and world literature. 66. Yusupova, H. U. Symbolism in «The Lord of the Rings». 67. Kamolova, D. O. Features of child memory and its development. 68. Siddiqova, N. N. Functions of foreign languages acquisition methods and their applications. 69. Abdullayeva, N. O. Pedagogical-psychological classification of ability. 70. Sayidova, S. Y. Psychological properties of the early childhood period. 71. Sayitova, K. H. Using techniques and methods of the clil system in the process of teaching English. 72. Abdullayeva, N. O. Features of the skill set and the methods used to develop it. 73. Kazimova, G. H. Psychological characteristics of children's abilities. 74. Mamedova, M. Comparative analysis of homonyms of English and Uzbek languages for methodological purposes. 75. Mustafayeva, M. A. Methods of working with talented students. 76. Qurbonova, S. H. Semantic analysis of homonyms. 77. Tillayeva, S. M. Reflection of nationality in the English translation of the novel “Days gone by”. 78. Naimova, A. The main peculiarities of Herbert Wells and Hojiakbar Shaykhov’s famous science fiction works. 79. Ubaydullayev, I. M. Life and scientific heritage of Ali Al-Qari. 80. Davletov, I. K., & Khasanov, T. A. Improvement of the management system and maintenance of residential houses in modern conditions. 81. Xolnazarov, U. E. Metaphor as object of linguocultural study. 82. Ubaydullayeva, J. X., & Kucharova, D. K. Plot and composition units in the work of Erkin A’zam. 83. Begimov, U. K. The place of Matyakub Kushzhanov in the study of Oybek’s creative works. 84. Kuchkarova, M. X. A devil new mythological image in the modern Uzbek prose. 85. Raupova, L. R., & Kholmurodova, M. I. Dialogical discourse as an environment in which a polypredictive unit is implemented. 86. Atakanov, A. J., Karabaev, N. A., & Khalimov, D. P. Prospects for reuse of collector-drainage water for crop irrigation. 87. Zhanatauov, S. U., & Seitkamzina, R. B. Matrices of indicators of recoverable knowledge. 88. Blagorodov, A. A., Bordukh, D. O., & Prokhorov, V. T. Possibilities of preventive measures and corrective measures to reduce pathological foot abnormalities in children (message 1).