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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 08(88) 2020
Philadelphia, USA |
Impact Factor 6.630 |
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)
e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)
Year: 2020
Issue: 08
Volume: 88
Published: 30.08.2020
Pages: 194 |
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1. Nabieva, N. A. Testing a sand pressiometer in model and natural conditions. 2. Akmatova, A. T. The evolution of perceptions of state guarantees for the protection of human rights. 3. Madmarova, E. A. The concept and structure of the state mechanism for guaranteeing the protection of human rights. 4. Umurzakova, N. M. International securities market. 5. Iskandarova, S. M. Gnoseology and the linguistic landscape of the world. 6. Nzamatdinova, D. K. Strong comparisons related to animal names in the dastan "Gulnahar". 7. Haydarov, A. N. The role of economic and social spheres in increasing the level of consumption of the population. 8. Boynazarov, O. F. Creative thinking and information culture. 9. Agzamova, G. The use of the Kalka method in the translation of phraseological units. 10. Mambetniyazov, M. Use of Web 2.0 technologies in organizing the independent learning process. 11. Bakiev, A., & Yuldasheva, Z. The fifth civilization of the ancient east. 12. Abdiraimov, S. D., Shukurova, S. O., Annayev, A. B., Beknazarova, M. B., & Raimov, F. E. COVID-19: was it really harmful? Or those who made money from the pandemic. 13. Jumaniyozova, N. K. Triangle and its striking points. 14. Akhmedov, J. Z., & Mirzanazarova, E. Y. The importance of wall pictures of afrosiyab in studying the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan. 15. Booc, R. P., et al. IoT based: mobile controlled appliances with online monitoring system. 16. Khudayberdiyev, Z. B., Isroilov, S. N., Axatov, X. N., & Usanov, R. S. Non-stationary vibrations of three-layered elastic plate. 17. Ahmedova, D. M., & Maksudova, G. M. The role of moisture as an ecological factor in growth of cotton plants. 18. Jumag’ulov, A. Field research methods in archeology and ethnology. 19. Quranboyev, S. I. Initial amendments and additions to the constitution of the republic of Uzbekistan and their essence. 20. Haqqulov, I. Mysticism and poetry of Makhtumquli. 21. Utanova, S. Color and artistic mastery in the poems of Alisher Navoi. 22. Chemezov, D., Pavlukhina, I., Bakhmeteva, M., & Petrenko, A. The dependencies of tension strain from stress of the flat steel specimen. 23. Tulaganova, S. P. The combination of literary personality and artistic creativity. 24. Otakulov, N. B. Linguistic features of number component measurative phraseological units. 25. Zhanatauov, S. U. Cognitive model of variability in negative breeding indicators. 26. Makhamadtoirova, A. B. Problem analysis in modern Chinese comparison sentences (?, ???, ?, ?). 27. Zokirov, D. B. Reducing the overall dimensions of the CBD (crossing barrier device) to the maximum extent. 28. Zokirov, D. B. Production of slats of the lower dimension of the railway from rubber. 29. Zokirov, D. B. Manufacture of side insulation of rail joints on railway tracks from textolite. 30. Rasulov, T. S., & Igamberdiev, S. S. Ways to solve the food security in Central Asia. 31. Temirov, S. O. Opportunities to increase the export potential of small business entities. 32. Rafiddinov, S. Mystical views of Babur. 33. Odilbekov, H. M. The emergence of theaters in the Turkestan Jadid movement. 34. Bumatova, A. M. Poetic harmony in classical Genres’ translation.