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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 12(92) 2020
Philadelphia, USA |
Impact Factor 6.630 |
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)
e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)
Year: 2020
Issue: 12
Volume: 92
Published: 30.12.2020
Pages: 494 |
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1. Habibi, D., Heydari, S., & Bayat, M. A new illustrative model to show the preference of the exo [6+4] Diels-Alder cycloaddition reaction versus the corresponding endo manner. 2. Biliutenka, E. I., Shumskaya, L. M., & Komarova, I. K. Elize ozheshko’s existential system of values in the novel "Over the Neman". 3. Usenovа, K. U. Lexical-semantic group of etnografizma in the Karakalpak dastan. 4. Akhmedova, D. The role of borrowed words in the form ation of Persian verbs. 5. Ataniyazova, Z. K. Management of brands: can new type of brand exist?. 6. Taylakova, S. N. Media culture of lawyers as the highest level of its media development. 7. Kadirova, F. X., & Razzakova, G. R. Use of web 2.0 services in teaching English. 8. Madieva, M. The foundations of the brand name: structure and semantics of new complex brand names. 9. Shilibek, K. K., & Karnakova, G. Z. Modeling the temperature distribution based on the spectral characteristics of bragg gratings. 10. Yurchenko, O. I., Chernozhuk, T. V., & Kravchenko, O. A. Atomic absorption, atomic emission with inductively coupled plasma, and X-ray fluorescence determination of Manganese and Iron in soil near a gas production well. 11. Murtazaeva, A. B., & Majidova, N. D. The role of multimedia in modern educational technology. 12. Abirova, U. N. The use of innovative technologies in preparing young people for family in public partnership "Family, neighborhood and educational institution" in the context of globalization. 13. Ametova, O. R., & Mustafoeva, N. I. The benefits and drawbacks of online education for law students in higher educational institutions. 14. Abdurahmonova, S. Anaphores in Uzbek poetry. 15. Yuneng, D., Cong, Z., & Ermei, L. On line interactive teaching from «teacher centered» to «teacher student multi center». 16. Khalmanov, A., Ernazarov, S., Muxamedov, A., & Toshkuvatova, N. Investigation of laser remote identificaton of the plant state. 17. Abdullaev, A. M. Impact of COVID-19 on international trade: analysis of situation in Uzbekistan. 18. Maksetova, F. A. Features of the plot and motives in versions of the dastan «Sayathan Hamra». 19. Bauatdinova, S. J. Folk poets and folk poetry. 20. Atamuratov, R. K. The effectiveness of timeline interactive web service in delivering lessons on “History of personal computers”. 21. Rakhmonov, A. B. Using a functional approach in the management of independent work of students. 22. Ugrekhelidze, I., Kartsidze, N., & Chubinidze, E. Georgians and their manner of dress in the resources of XV-XVII century Italian authors. 23. Asranbaeva, M. X. Improving mechanisms of preparing children for social life in disabled families. 24. Boltabaeva, O. Y., & Goyibboeva, R. A. Khilvati literary heritage and its history of study. 25. Ikramov, R. G., Ismanova, O. T., Alinazarova, M. A., Abdujabbarova, M. S., & Turdaliev, U. V. Influence of the non-ideality coefficient on the effective power of solar cells. 26. Normurodov, D. R., & Ismoilov, U. M. On new discoveries of Kaunchi culture found in Yangiyul district. 27. Chemezov, D., et al. Experimental study of fracture of the cast iron specimen during compression. 28. Salohiddinova, M. K., & Begmatov, A. M. To study the growth and development of the Sumbul Kovrak (Ferula Sumbul). 29. Koraeva, B. K. Language, speech culture and education. 30. Mirzaev, S. A., & Gafurov, Y. I. Development of infrastructure for agricultural services. 31. Ivanychev, D. A., & Levina, L. V. Investigation of the thermoelastic state of anisotropic bodies of rotation. 32. Usmonova, H. S., & Sheralieva, M. A. Functional-semantic properties of parts of sentence. 33. Tashmukhamedova, L. I. Editor's skills in the editing process. 34. Mirzaboev, J., Jumaniyazov, Q., Mirzabaev, B., & Sadikov, M. Measures for the formation and use of fibrous waste. 35. Mardonov, S. K., & Toshtemirova, S. A. Classifying the educational system as an innovative approach. 36. Nazarov, K. A. History and main problems of archaeological investigations of Northern Bactaria of the Kushan period. 37. Karimova, Y. Poetics of labor in the novel «Qudratli To’lqin». 38. Khamrokulov, G. H., Djumaniyazova, M., Khamrokulov, M., & Ziyodova, L. Investigation of the quality of shampoos for normal hair by organoleptic, chemical and physicochemical methods. 39. Djurakulova, G. S. Epic formulas associated with the horse in the Uzbek folk epic. 40. Yormatov, I. T., Yuldasheva, N. A., & Toshpulatov, I. A. Issues of electronic trade development in Uzbekistan. 41. Khuzhakulov, A. F., & Abdunazarov, A. A. Modern approach to extending the service life of imported turbine oils. 42. Khujamberdieva, S. K. Effective teaching of Erkin Vokhidov's work in higher education personality of creation of information software. 43. Sobirova, M. Y. Assimilation of human qualities during the process of working with text. 44. Pericleanu, B. D. Influence of moisture variation on the behavior of intermediate layers of sand and measures to protect existing buildings sites. 45. Berdibekova, A., & Kaliyeva, E. I. Innovative technologies in higher education at the present stage (literature review). 46. Kholikov, Z. O., Samandarov, S. S., Abdullayeva, N. A., & Valijanov, S. A. Learning writing skills for CEFR (Common European Framework Reference) B1 and IELTS (International English Language Teaching System) learners with difficulties in English. 47. Khodjaev, E. N. Improving the valuation of the use of intangible assets. 48. Musaev, R. The need for reasonable management of innovative activities in enterprises. 49. Khaydarova, D. Z. The role of borrowed craftsmanship terms in Uzbek language. 50. Kodirova, Z. Training of qualified personnel - today's issue. 51. Dohal, G. H. A Translation into English of Khalil I. Al-Fuzai’s “The Single Gathering”. 52. Yavidov, B., et al. On increasing the effectiveness of classes in physics by demonstrating historical-financial symbols. 53. Bayniyazova, T. K. To the question of literary translation in Karakalpak literary study. 54. Bayniyazova, T. K. To the question about actual problems of Karakalpak literary study. 55. Irismetov, M. E., Rustamov, F. R., & Safarov, N. B. Surgical of treatment of the medial collateral ligament of the knee joint. 56. Teshabaeva, D. M. Press language: text analysis. 57. Chemezov, D., Galaktionov, S., Perov, M., Satarin, D., & Gorechnin, A. Influence of the cutting part geometry on strength of the rhombic indexable insert during rough turning. 58. Mukhamedov, M. M. Preparing for international financial reporting standards in Uzbekistan. 59. Suyarova, A. K. Mother’s image in Utkir Hoshimov’s narrative “Affairs of the World”. 60. Sobirzhonov, R. R., Abdunazarov, A. A., & Khamidov, B. N. Production of the optimal version of the pilot batch of plasticizer oil in the conditions of the Ferghana oil refinery. 61. Shaymardanova, A. The role and position of lacunas of cultural location in the process of communication (Can the word “Yanga” be thought to be a lacuna in Uzbek language?). 62. Karimov, S. S. Formation of students sustainable needs for physical exercise on the basis of interactive and personally technologies. 63. Umarova, M. N., & To’ychiev, A. T. Structural classification and analysis of corrosion of metals. 64. Khayitov, K. S. Public expertise of draft laws: theoretical-legal analysis. 65. Otajonova, O. A. The role of fine arts in the formation of students' creative thinking. 66. Tavaldieva, G., & Akhmedova, A. Pedagogical approaches to teaching in the Ancient East. 67. Tavaldieva, G. About the lexicon of borrowed layers of the Uzbek language in the works of Alisher Navoi. 68. Absamatov, A. E. Uzbekistan's agricultural sector - a new strategy. 69. Abduraximov, S. N. The role of the hotel business in the modern economy. 70. Ahmedova, A. T. Technological development of infrastructure incubation of the innovation market in Uzbekistan. 71. Esbergenova, S. K. Beliefs and rituals of the Karakalpaks associated with the cult role of the dog. 72. Absamatov, A. E. Agricultural sector of Uzbekistan: features, problems and ways to solve them. 73. Mamazhonov, A. T. Conceptual issues of accounting for finished goods in the automotive industry. 74. Kodirov, S. Some issues of digitalization in the industrial sector of the economy. 75. Avliyokulov, U. M. The impact of the halal standard on political and economic processes in the Southeast Asia region. 76. Bafoev, F. M. About some circuits of a new world order: evolution, forecasts, prospects. 77. Shein, V. A., & Pak, A. O. Road lane line detection with hough transform. 78. Pak, V. A., & Shein, V. A. Mathematical description and modeling of longitudinal vehicle dynamic. 79. Esbergenova, S. K. Ritise and beliefs of the Karakalpaks associated with the sacralisation of the steppe eagle (Aquila Rapax). 80. Azzamova, N. R. The regularity of the complication of the temporal forms of the English verb. 81. Mingbayeva, N. I. The role of public control in the development of civil society institutions. 82. Gurbanalieva, S. F. Innovative research of some basic features of multiculturalism as the factor of humanitarization of education. 83. Nasrullayev, N. H. Lutfullah Nasafi's life, scientific and spiritual heritage. 84. Mukhamedov, N. Role of Zangi Ata in the Islamic culture of the region. 85. Pericleanu, B. D., & Pericleanu, M. Study on the importance of implementing a maintenance plan in the life cycle of structures. 86. Zhanatauov, S. U. Minimum volumes of types of communication services to maximization subjective utility of a communication service package. 87. Shofiyev, O. B. Irony in prose and its artistic moduses (on the example of the creativity of Erkin Azam). 88. Nurova, G. T. Syntactic analysis of sentence structure in modern English. 89. Niyazova, D. F., Vafayeva, Z. K., & Rahmatova, M. S. Using the case method in the formation of English language skills. 90. Mardanova, S. M. Problems of lexicography in English before S. Johnson. 91. Mardanova, S. M. Dictionaries of the XVIII century.