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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 10(102) 2021
Philadelphia, USA |
Impact Factor 6.630 |
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)
e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)
Year: 2021
Issue: 10
Volume: 102
Published: 30.10.2021
Pages: 1064 |
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1. Blagorodov, A. A., Shcherbakov, D. S., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. On features of implementation of the strategy of social - economic development of the nenets autonomous district for the period up to 2035. 2. Blagorodov, A. A., Shcherbakov, D. S., Homenko, Y. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. On the importance of target indicators for the period up to 2035 for the implementation of the strategy of social and economic development of the population of the nenets autonomous district. 3. Mishin, Y. D., Postnikov, P. M., Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. Transport is a universal tool for organizing the space-time conditions of the movement of matter. 4. Abduvalieva, D. I. Classification of building terms by structural and semantic parameters. 5. Sadenova, G. P. The reflection of the concept “Goodness” (on the example of proverbs). 6. Blagorodov, A. A., Shcherbakov, D. S., Tomilina, L. B., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. On measures in managing the quality of production of products preferred by consumers of the regions of the South and SKFD. 7. Blagorodov, A. A., Shcherbakov, D. S., Homenko, Y. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. About the possibilities of the factory production of demanded and attractive products for consumers of the regions of the South and SKFD. 8. Nizamova, F. A. Socio-philosophical worldview of a creative thinker.
9. Ashurov, J. M., Khojiev, Sh. T., Qosimov, I. O., Gaibnazarov, B. B., & Teshayev, M. Sh.
Study of the physico-chemical properties of aluminum oxide al2o3 by the method of powder diffractometry. 10. Mardonova, F. B., & Amonova, N. Social and moral realias of uzbekistan on the basis of interethnic tolerance. 11. Blagorodov, A. A., Shcherbakov, D. S., Belysheva, V. S., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. On new opportunities for quality management in the manufacture of products in demand within the territory of advanced social and economic development formed on the basis of the mining cities of the Rostov region. 12. Nomozov, A. K., Beknazarov, K. S., & Jalilov, A. T. Synthesis of corrosion inhibitors containing phosphorus and sulfur based on 2-ethylhexanol, and studying its practical significance. 13. Yuldasheva, T. A. Modern innovative technologies in education. 14. Hamzah, F., & Nirwana Formulation and characterization of antifungal shampoo with the addition of red ginger extract. 15. Xudayberdiyev, E. N., & Samandarov, L. K. Methodological problems of teaching the theory of particle-wave dualism for physics students. 16. Turdiev, A. S. Investments in human capital as basis for development modern economy. 17. Mansurov, O. I. Improving investment accounting and auditing in commercial banks. 18. Allamuratov, A. M. Linguocultural study. 19. Atajanov, H. A., & Marziyaev, J. K. Features of the use of medical technology in the educational process during the pandemic. 20. Khojanov, S. B., & Marziyaev, J. B. Stylistic functions of antonyms, morphemic composition, semantics in the Karakalpak language. 21. Nuraliev, G. T., Turaev, K. K., Tojiev, P. J., Kasimov, S. A., & Jalilov, A. T. Synthesis and research of nitrogen, phosphorus, metal-containing oligomer. 22. Blagorodov, A. A., Shcherbakov, D. S., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. About the possibility of the developed software for assessing the professional competence of experts and managers of enterprises that form the production of attractive and popular products. 23. Aliyeva, N. R., & Madrahimov, Z. Sh. Life and work of Abu Mansur al-Moturidi and theology. 24. Tulaganova, S. P. Artistic concept and aesthetic ideal. 25. Oromiddinov, S. B. Influence of the magnetic field of highly dispersed ferromagnets on some biological systems. 26. Khadjimetova, Sh. A., & Vafaev, O. Research of obtaining antipyrene antipyrene on the basis of local raw materials. 27. Gafurov, A., & Isakov, D. O. Durable super hydrophobic cotton fabric to separate oil from water. 28. Halema, Z. Y. H. Application the transformation formula and applications to absolute continuity. 29. Abdiyev, U. B., & Toshpulatov, S. F. Primary concepts of energy and energy sources in physics. 30. Abdukaxorova, Z. T. About non-Archimedian function dynamical system. 31. Khasanova, D. SEM model analysis of air cargo shipping efficiency in Uzbekistan. 32. Khoshimov, M. G. Multidimensional taxonomy of a complex sentence as a verbalizer of the microconcept «subjective-modal assessment» in the language. 33. Eshmuminov, A. Progressive development of corporate linguistics in the world and Uzbek linguistics. 34. Muhamadiyeva, D. T., Primova, X.A., & Nabiyeva, S.S. Overview of early diagnosis of «diabetes» based on artificial intelligence. 35. Akhmedova, D. Functional and stylistic features of verbs in Persian newspaper texts. 36. Nurkulov, F. N., Raupov, A. R., & Shaikulov, B. K. Research of fire resistance of textile fabrics based on cellulose. 37. Rustamov, D. Jadid dramas in sociolinguistic interpretation. 38. Sulaymonova, N. A. Approach to the history of Arabic lexicography. 39. Yeliseyev, N. A. The role of psychology in aviation safety. 40. Radjabova, B. Alisher Navoi and Davlatshah Samarkandi. 41. Madaminov, F. S. Methodological bases of introduction of credit module system in Higher education institutions. 42. Raimova, M. M., Alikhanov, S., & Djalilova, S. Kh. Evaluation of the effect of rTMS on non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. 43. Babakulov, Y. F. Author's speech and style in unlocking the spirit of the hero. 44. Rustamova, I. K. Insomnia disorders in elderly patients with chronic cerebral ischemia on the background of neurovegetative dysfunction. 45. Akhmedova, R. M. From the history of the development of medical work in the sanatoriums of Uzbekistan. 46. Bolibekova, M., Nematov, O., & Nematova, F. Maxim of Politeness in Uzbek and English Language. 47. Orazbaeva, A. A., et al. Study of the process of obtaining urea-formaldehyde compounds. 48. Satte, M. Effect of thyroplasty in the treatment of dysphonia: a review article. 49. Allambergenova, G. A., & Koblanova, J. Variantness of phraseological units. 50. Yaxiyayev, Z. J. Means of antonyms according to their structure in the Karakalpak language. 51. Movlaev, I., & Rehimova, F. Obtaining and studying the properties of decommissioned polystyrene-based ionizers. 52. Mirametova, N. P. Features of morphofunctional indicators of the body of children in the southern Aral Sea region. 53. Tursunov, A. B. Artistic skills of Husseini or analysis of a ghazal. 54. Homidjonov, A. O., Nabijonov, M. G., & Urmanov, A. A. Obtaining leather materials with improved protective and physical and mechanical characteristics. 55. Ilxamova, M. U., Homidjonov, A. O., Urmanov, A. A., & Nabijonov, M. G. Three-dimensional design of body sections in autocad system. 56. Nizamova, Sh., & Akbarova, M. Lexical-semantic analysis of some nicknames. 57. Jumaeva, F. R., & Mamurova, F. N. Transposition of parts of speech as a non-morphological method of word formation. 58. Tashmetov, T. Kh. The influence of alien and harmful ideas in social networks on the spirituality of young people in the era of global change. 59. Mardonov, R. Higher education in the context of human rights and freedoms. 60. Abdurahmonov, O. The Pashtunvali code in pashtun society. 61. Muidinov, P. K. Paralinguistic means of expressing head and shoulders. 62. Chemezov, D., et al. Stressed state of surfaces of the NACA 0012 airfoil at high angles of attack. 63. Alimova, Z. S. Specific language and cultural features in the translation of English and Uzbek military terms. 64. Dzhalilova, S. Kh., & Tairova, D. Z. Analysis of stress resistance in patients with psychoemotional disorders depending on the personality type. 65. Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., Lopatchenko, T. P., & Volkova, G. Y. On the union of economic and industrial policy as a tool for effective quality assurance of production of demanded and competitive products. 66. Nishanov, M. F., Aliboev, M. R., & Akhmadbekov, B. O. Improvement of tactical and technical aspects of surgical treatment of diffus toxic goiter. 67. Yurchenko, O. I., Chernozhuk, T. V., Kravchenko, O. A., & Baklanov, A. N. Ultrasound in chemical analysis of mineralized water and brines. 68. Berdimuratova, G. Stylistic originality of Zh. Izbaskanova lyrics. 69. Yusupova, B. T. Phonostylistic and variantional features of equal two-component phraseologies used in the language of Karakalpak folk tales. 70. Rakhmanova, A. Kh. Quranic stories and images in the lyrics of the poets of the Pushkin era. 71. Berdiev, E. T., Rakhmatov, Kh. Ch., & Nematov, Sh. B. Rooting stem cuttings and cultivation of corned seedlings of buckthorn and sea buckthorn. 72. Esemuratov, A. E. Concept of word and toponym (On the example of toponyms of Khojeli district). 73. Nazarov, N. Analysis of business entities with the development of innovative and investment activities of entrepreneurship in free economic zones. 74. Normurodov, B. A., Turaev, H. Kh., Tojiyev, P. J., Jalilov, A. T., & Nurkulov, F. N. Investigation of improving the physical and mechanical properties of sealed oligomers based on polysulfides using various fillers. 75. Karimova, G. I. Pedagogical technologies and their importance in primary classes. 76. Jaynaqov, M. Sh., & Yunuskhanov, Sh. Electrophoretic composition of easily soluble proteins in the grain of some varieties of soybeans. 77. Usmanov, N. N. The influence of green manure crops on the growth, development, yield and seed quality of potato varieties. 78. Kodirov, D. A., & Salohiddinov, Z. S. Features of the clinical course of chronic obstructive lung diseases in the background HIV infection. 79. Raimov, G. F. Principles of didactics in computer solution of non-standard problems from physics in general secondary schools. 80. Zikrullayeva, H. B. International terms within structure, field, system and linguistic aspect. 81. Muminovа, R. N., & Tashmatova, Sh. R. The use ofualual games in teaching biology as a pedagogical problem. 82. Salomov, V.B., Teshaev, Sh.Zh., Ochilov, K.R., Fayziyev, Kh.B., & Bafoev, U.V. Morphological characteristics of the stomach wall after modeling traumatic brain injury in white rats. 83. Xodjiyeva, F. O. The significance and stages of the development of critical thinking in adolescent students. 84. Ermuratova, N. A., Kasimov, Sh. A., Turaev, Kh. Kh., & Ashurov, D. R. Synthesis and research of a chelate forming sorbent based on carbamide, formaldehyde and 2-aminopentandic acid. 85. Jafarova, D. N., Omarova, N. A., & Huseynova, L. Sh. Obtaining an ecological pure composition based on polyvinyl chloride and benzylnaphthenate ether obtained from Baku oil. 86. Davletiyarov, M. M. From the history of the Karakalpak tribe Kungrad (Konyrat). 87. Oripov, N. M. Theoretical study of the process of cleaning cotton before piling up. 88. Khudayberdiyev, O. Zh., & Rakhmatov, S. Kh. Interval method of mathematical modeling of well location for obtaining a continuous line of cracks using non-explosive destructive mixture (NDM). 89. Xalmuminova, G. K., & Sulaymonova, G. N. Study of the effect of fungicides in field conditions from vegetable crops against tomato disease. 90. Akhatov, A. A., Eshkaraev, S. Ch., Normurodova, Kh. D., & Eshkoraev, S. S. Study of the influence of graphene nanofillers on the properties of composites based on polypropylene. 91. Mirdjalilova, D. Sh., Yusupdjanova, N. U., & Asadova, M. S. Digitalization of the republic of Uzbekistan: current state and development trends. 92. Khursanov, N. I., & Gulyamova, Sh. B. Linguistic classifications related to discourse and its classifications. 93. Siddikov, A. J. To the question about the introduction of a financial account in the SNA of Uzbekistan: methodological aspect. 94. Dzhuraev, Zh. A., & Mukhiddinov, A. I. COVID-19 and nasal conditions. 95. Dzhuraev, Zh. A., & Mukhiddinov, A. I. Chronic rhinosinusitis in patients with COVID-19. 96. Zhanatauov, S. U. A digital model of climate variability. 97. Abarro, R. Q., Digal, J. E., Asuncion, J. E., & Secretaria, N. M. Systems check: a study on the performance evaluation system of an Asian higher education institution. 98. Shermukhamedov, B. A., & Tulaganova, M. Sh. Innovations in banking: digital banking. 99. Sunnatov, M. N. Mechanism of «voluntary» approach to the regulation of intellectual property. 100. Vauchok, V. A., & Bobnis, A. Ch. Application of a system approach to the formation of conceptual elements of virtual power plants. 101. Begimov, O. T. Features of formation of simple toponyms of southern Uzbekistan. 102. Safarova, S. I., Amiraslanov, A. T., & Muradov, H. K. Clinico-morphological characteristics of pathological processes in the endometrium of patients at the premenopausaland postmenopausal periods. 103. Gaipnazarov, R. R. The experience of foreign countries in the formation and development of customs. 104. Hamroev, U. R., & Yusupov, S. Classification of AI-brand fuels based on FEA TN. 105. Abulkasimov, M. Analysis of the results in ensuring the economic security of the individual through poverty reduction. 106. Nasirov, K. J. Possibilities of the spiritual heritage of ancestors in education of the young generation. 107. Chemezov, D., et al. Reference data of pressure distribution on the surfaces of airfoils having the names beginning with the letter A (the first part). 108. Kudiyarova, A. D., Ibragimov, A. B., Ashurov, J. M., & Eshimbetov, A. G. Theoretical study of the electronic structure of the complex [Zn(CIP)Cl2]·2H2O obtained by the interaction of ciprofloxacin and zinc sulfate. 109. Alimnazarov, B. Kh., Ashurov, J. M., Eshimbetov, A. G., Turaev, Kh. Kh., & Ibragimov, B. T. Electronic structure of diaquabis(p-chlorophenoxyacetato) copper(II) complex by DFT method. 110. Shakarov, N. J., Ergashev, I. Sh., & Nomirov, M.N. Development of little toxic little-toxic defoliants based on 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid - aminoguanidine carbonate - water. 111. Khudayberdiyev, Z. B., Yaxshiboyev, Sh. R., & Muhammadiyeva, M. A. Transverse vibrations of a three-layer plate. 112. Abdullaev, A. M. Problems of methodology for assessing the competitiveness of small businesses. 113. Namazova, Y. M. Content and significance of the Jadid education system. 114. Saparov, B. B., Ikramov, R. A., & Saparov, A. B. Avesta: the ecological consciousness of our ancestors. 115. Babakulov, B. The role of the defender in the criminal process. 116. Abdullakhanova, G. S., & Alimatova, N. A. Compliance with etical standards in the development of banks in modern conditions. 117. Sanoev, Z. I., Khamroev, T. T., Mamatkulova, N. M., Khidyrova, N. K., & Maxmudova, D. M. Study of acute toxicity and biological activity of dry flower extract Gossypium hirsutum L. 118. Turakulova, Z. A. Useful explanations in learning languages. 119. Muydinova, M. A., Kasimjanova, H. B., & Isaqova, X. I. On clean energy sources. 120. Saparov, B. B., & Yakubov, Y. M. The role of Islamic values and the interpretation of personality education in the global environment. 121. Adigezalova, M. N. The «Women's question» in the views of A. Chulpan and G. Javid. 122. Hayitova, Y. Some strokes to the poem of the Shodmonkul Salom. 123. Jumakulov, J. P. Poetic images in munjik's heritage. 124. Boltaev, M. A., & Pardaev, Zh. Zh. Broccoli cultivation: selection of hybrids and planting dates for repeated culture.