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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 01(105) 2022
Philadelphia, USA |
Impact Factor 6.630 |
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)
e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)
Year: 2022
Issue: 01
Volume: 105
Published: 30.01.2022
Pages: 788 |
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1. Blagorodov, A. A., & Volkova, G. Y. On the importance of partnership between all branches of government and manufacturers in the formation of the priority and preferences of consumers in the regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District in their products. 2. Blagorodov, A. A., & Volkova, G. Y. On a new methodology for informed decision-making on the production of comfortable and preferred shoes for parents and children. 3. Huseynova, T. E. Optative mood of the verb in the Azerbaijani language. 4. Blagorodov, A. A., & Volkova, G. Y. On the effectiveness of the union of «lean economy» and smart quality management of manufactured products, which have priority and preferences among consumers in the regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District. 5. Nasibova, J. N. Linguistic, typological features of infinitive and compound infinitive Sentences in English and Azerbaijani languages. 6. Draguleasa, I.-A. Tourism in protected natural areas. Case study: Iron Gates Nature Park. 7. Ruzibaeva, D. A., & Baykhanova, N. A. Developing the writing skills of students in non-linguistic universities. 8. Ochilov, N. N. Analysis of international and local standards of information protection in modern operating systems. 9. Al-Hameedawi, A. M. S., & AL-Malikshah, Z. R. J. Influence of peels root Berbers extract, CuSO4 and irrigation, on improve storability fruits of fig cv. Iranian. 10. Muzaffarova, Z. Z. Potential of original fiction as a means of forming foreign language communicative competence of students. 11. Blagorodov, A. A., & Volkova, G. Y. On the features of production quality management for effective provision of demanded and competitive products. 12. Markelov, G. E. Serial connection of NTC thermistors. 13. Babaxanova, D. A. The study of gender characteristics in Uzbek linguistics. 14. Shokirova, Kh. N. Hidden pragmalinguistics - pragmatic potential. 15. Xojanov, J., & Xojanova, M. “Tumaris”. 16. Alimova, Z. V., & Abdikunduzova, S. S. About prefixes, borrowed from Persian-Tajik language to Uzbek. 17. Khamrakulova, S., & Zokirov, M. T. Phraseological units expressing old age of a human being in the English and Russian languages. 18. Utemuratova, H. K. Creative laboratory of the poet (on the example of poetry J.Xoshniyazov, B.Nurnazarova, A.Ajinyazov, G.Matyakubova). 19. Shaniyazova, Z. The constraints of agricultural credit and government policy strategy. 20. Blagorodov, A. A., & Volkova, G. Y. Features of the formation of preferences for consumers of products manufactured by enterprises of the regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District. 21. Naurizbaev, A. The formation of capital markets. 22. Jubanova, B. The Effects of Financing Channels on Enterprise Innovation. 23. Hajiyev, F. Sh. Analysis and evaluation of sustainable socio-economic development of Azerbaijan. 24. Davlyatova, G. N., & Numonova, M. I. Comedy as a genre of literature. 25. Shomirzoyev, A. A., & Farziddinova, N. Sh. Treatment and control methods for melon diseases and pests. 26. Uktamov, D. T. Structure of special physical training for runners of 5000 meters in annual training training. 27. Boymurodov, Z. Lifestyle: the dialectics of international peace and tolerance. 28. Davlyatova, G. N., & Otakhonova, S. A. On the stylistic means of language in fiction. 29. Turaev, N. Imam Bukhari’s method of Jarkh and Ta’dil (on the basis of “laisa bi al-qavi”). 30. Blagorodov, A. A., & Volkova, G. Y. The relationship between ensuring a stable financial position of an enterprise with the formation of consumer preferences for these products in the regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District. 31. Hasanova, N. A. Syntactic and morphological functions of adjectives. 32. Davlyatova, G. N., & Yokubova, M. I. Exploring the theoretical foundations of linguosynergetics and its basic concepts. 33. Ibrahimova, T. H., Jamalova, R. H., & Gurbanova, A. G. Investigation of the subsequent use of lands along the Araz River contaminated with heavy metals. 34. Eshmuminov, A. Implementation of maydon‘s theory in linguistics. 35. Kozhevnikov, V. A., & Ammosov, A. P. Confirmation of a comprehensive method of calculating output power of He-Ne lasers. 36. Hasanov, E. L. Innovative research of national wisdom in works of Nizami Ganjavi. 37. Ismoilova, G. J. Impact of economic reform on spiritual and moral personality. 38. Boybekova, Sh. A. Spiritual values are a factor of social stability. 39. Muzaffarova, N. Sh., & Nurkulov, F. N. Study of oligomer-antipyrine synthesis and properties of nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc storage. 40. Chemezov, D., et al. Reference data of pressure distribution on the surfaces of airfoils (hydrofoils) having the names beginning with the letter E (the first part). 41. Blagorodov, A. A., Rumyanskaya, N. S., Prokhorov, V. T., Golubeva, O. A., & Volkova, G. Y. On the importance of motivating the leader of an enterprise - as an effective leader in managing the quality and priority of their products. 42. Chemezov, D., et al. Reference data of pressure distribution on the surfaces of airfoils (hydrofoils) having the names beginning with the letter E (the second part). 43. Matyakubov, U. Improving public-private partnership mechanisms in the strategic development of tourism in the Aral sea region. 44. Yuldasheva, N. V. Ways to increase the financial independence of local budgets of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 45. Shernazarov, Kh. S., & Qaharov, S. N. The role of tolerance skills in pedagogy and education. 46. Davlyatova, G. N., & Khoshimova, A. Emotional concepts in the Russian speech. 47. Zvezdina, M. Y., Shokova, Y. A., Lavrentyev, O. A., & Aly, K. Choosing a broadband internet access network deployment model in the Republic of Guinea. 48. Mukhiddinov, A. G., & Filippova, L. A. The pragmalinguistic aspect of studying the structure of discourse as an element of the communicative process. 49. Kadirova, S. M., & Kadirova, D. M. «Golden Wall» of the National Theater of Uzbekistan. 50. Dmitriev, P. A., & Baklanov, A. N. Salt for increased safety climbers - athletes. 51. Goloperov, I. V., Baklanova, L. V., & Baklanov, A. N. Solving the safety problems of patients with arterial hypertension having problems with brain circulation. Development of special salt mixture. 52. Goloperov, I. V., Baklanova, L. V., & Baklanov, A. N. High frequency ultrasound in cleaning intensification salt from water-insolute impurities and salt magnesium. 53. Shcherbina, V. G. Structural transformations in zones of phytogenic tree field under recreation impact. 54. Davlyatova, G. N., & Kodirova, O. Sh. Religious motifs in literature. 55. Indiaminov, R. Sh., & Abdullaev, A. Simulation of magnetoelastic deformation of a plate in an alternating magnetic field. 56. Begmatova, D. M., Daminova, N. K., & Vaydulla, M. M. Improving the pedagogical content of professional socialization of youth and students in the context of globalization. 57. Gafurova, K. R. Computer technologies in English lessons as a means of implementing a metasubject approach. 58. Pirnazarova, K. A. Innovations in the process of teaching with the English alphabet and the study of individual grammatical phenomena.