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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 01(117) 2023
Philadelphia, USA |
Impact Factor 6.630 |
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)
e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)
Year: 2023
Issue: 01
Volume: 117
Published: 30.01.2023
Pages: 700 |
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1. Kudaybergenov, J., & Elmurodov, Sh. Determinants of financial distress of selected companies in Uzbekistan. 2. Markelov, G. E. A mathematical model of a macro-level of a technical system. 3. Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. On the priority of innovation centers to guarantee the production of quality products by the enterprise. 4. Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. On the importance of the professionalism of the head of the enterprise for the manufacture of priority and competitive products. 5. Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. On changes in consumer preferences for predominantly high-quality services and products in demand. 6. Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Y. On the Importance of Market Mechanisms for Managing the Competitive Production of High-Quality and Demanded Products. 7. Blagorodov, A. A., et al. Methodological bases for the formation of a rehabilitation center for children with pathological abnormalities. Message 1. 8. Blagorodov, A. A., et al. Methodological bases for the formation of a rehabilitation center for children with pathological abnormalities. Message 2. 9. Blagorodov, A. A., Rumanskaya, N. S., & Volkova, G. Y. Features of the manufacture of priority and in-demand clothing within the framework of the formed TORUS. Message 1. 10. Dyunova, D. N. Construction of an algorithm for identification of complex technological objects. 11. Dusmatov, O. M., & Egamqulov, A. B. The problem of suppressing nonlinear oscillations of a plate. 12. Abduraimova, S. «Emergency situation» and social pain in the works of Mirzo Kenjabek. 13. Chorieva, I. K. Thematic interpretation of proverbs in English and Uzbek languages. 14. Eshmuratova, D. U. A comparative study of phraseologisms with theonym component units. 15. Madalov, N. E. Linguistic study of proverbs in Uzbek language. 16. Kho’janova, G. The progress of the literary traditions of Ahmad Yugnakiy. 17. Parpieva, Sh. M. English Contemporary Corpora List. 18. Blagorodov, A. A., Rumanskaya, N. S., & Volkova, G. Y. Features of the manufacture of priority and in-demand clothing within the framework of the formed TORUS. Message 2. 19. Elmurodov, Sh. The economic importance and role of financial mechanisms in reducing the shadow economy. 20. Turanov, S. Legislative aspects of economic insolvency and bankruptcy of enterprises in Uzbekistan. 21. Zaripova, R. Lesya Ukrainka's works in Uzbek. 22. Mukhamedov, N. Khoja Ahrar - peace and consent between people. 23. Kallibekova, G. P. The role of paraphrases in the work of a journalist. 24. Rasulov, I., & Juraev, Z. Urban green spaces – Uzbekistan’s Case. 25. Turaev, N. Imam Bukhari’s methodology on the controversy of narrations. 26. Miniakhmetov, A. A., Khamzina, E. A., & Aslyamova, I. F. Natural scientific aspects of graphic solution of physical and mathematical problems on the educational topic «Mechanical oscillations» when preparing graduates for the use (on the basis of «growth points» Askino secondary school №1 Republic of Bashkortostan). 27. Chemezov, D., et al. Educational technopark as an innovative platform for training qualified welders. 28. Valieva, R. Z., & Magsumov, T. A. Transformation of higher educational institutions and teacher's competencies: strategic aspects and a look into the future. 29. Mirisaev, A. A., Tursunzoda, J. I., Polvonov, D. S., & Sobirov, J. F. Analysis of international experience in assessing the efficiency of BIM technologies in construction. 30. Khaydarova, N. A. Fantastic beginning and myth in the structure of the national picture of the world (on the example of the prose material of the Russian-language literature of Uzbekistan). 31. Botirov, B. B. Modern experience of use of songs in teaching Russian as a non-native language. 32. Ikromov, Sh. D. Description of the training experiment on approbation of the program “Russian pronouns: meaning and functions”. 33. Obidjonov, M. Z. Epistolary A. P. Chekhov in the linguo-cultural aspect. 34. Taspanova, J. K., & Babanazarova, G. J. The importance of using authentic materials in English classes. 35. Maharramov, A. M., et al. Synthesis of phosphorylated 1,3,4-thiadiazine based on the reaction of phosphorylated chloraldehyde with 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione. 36. Nuriddinov, N. “Bahjat ul-lugat” is an important lexicographic source on the works of Alisher Navai. 37. Quwanch, E., & Qanit, M. Q. The situation of the Uzbek language in Afghaniston from 2001 to 2021. 38. Nazirova, M. Advantages of using videos in teaching English. 39. Deryaev, A. R. Advantages and effectiveness of the method of simultaneous separate operation of wells in the development of multi-layer deposits. 40. Hamzah, F., & Hamzah, N. Research on The Structure and Properties of Pterygota Indica Wood as a Raw Material For Pulp and Paper. 41. Noor, F., Marnis, & Putro, T. S. The Influence of Promotional Mix on Purchase Decision at PT. Asta KaryaPekanbaru, Mediated by Consumer Interest in Purchasing a Home. 42. Hendriani, S., Efni, Y., & Tiyasiningsih, E. Increasing The Competitiveness of Women's MSMEs (Survey On Cake Industry In Pekanbaru City). 43. Syapsan, Pailis, E. A., Darmayuda, & Aulia, A. F. BUMD Performance Optimization in Raise if Origin Revenue (PAD) Rokan Hilir District. 44. Nelfiyonna Assessment Of Reading Capabilities of People In Pekanbaru City. 45. Rahayu, D. D., Adiputra, T. M., & Irfan, S. The Influence of School Image, School Promotion, and Quality of Education Services on The Decision To Choose Parents Through Religiusity of Integrated Islamic First Middle School of Abdurrab and Imam Syafii 2 Kota Pekanbaru. 46. Abduvalieva, F. M., & Khushmatov, Sh. S. Physical development level of childrens of school #1 (grades 1-11) located in Andijan city, Andijan region, Republic of Uzbekistan. 47. Khalilov, Sh. “Khiyori khulf” or “Khiyori vasf” in islamic finance. 48. Deryaev, A. R. Geological, industry and technological bases for the design of the development of multi-layer fields by the method of dual completion operation of wells. 49. Zhanatauov, S. U. Mathematically calculated reality, supplementing biochemistry of self-purification of the water of rivers and lakes. 50. Chemezov, D., et al. Reference data of pressure distribution on the surfaces of airfoils having the names beginning with the letter O. 51. Elanidze, L. Enrichment of the biologically active additive phenolnima with the components of the extract of common thymus (thymus serpyllum). 52. Rasulov, S. S. Fundamentals of sustainable development agriculture in modern conditions of economic reforms located in Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan. 53. Urinboev, A. A., & Kurbonova, Kh. T. Morphological Errors in Writing of Uzbek EFL learners. 54. Urinboev, A. A., & Kurbonova, Kh. T. Reflections on ambition and human life in the story “Malvern Hills” of Kazuo Ishiguro. 55. Gulamov, S. S., et al. Indicators for assessing of development of the digital economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 56. Boyjigitov, F. M., Holliev, A. T., Nurjabov, A. U., & Niyozkulov, B. Kh. Spider mites is a serious pest of lemon plants. 57. Akhmedov, O. S. Investigation of the oscillation of an elastic rod in time taking into account the relaxation properties of materials. 58. Borubashov, B. I., & Toktomambetova, K. K. On the role of juvenal justice in the Kyrgyz Republic. 59. Rakhimov, S. A. Multilateral cooperation to create a nuclear weapons-free zone in Central Asia. 60. Boyjigitov, F. M., & Tosheva, Ya. N. Fusariosis disease of lemon plants.