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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 12(128) 2023
Philadelphia, USA |
Impact Factor 6.630 |
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)
e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)
Year: 2023
Issue: 12
Volume: 128
Published: 30.12.2023
Pages: 376 |
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1. Chemezov, D., et al. Reference data of pressure distribution on the surfaces of airfoils having the names beginning with the letter W. 2. Chemezov, D., et al. Reference data of pressure distribution on the surfaces of airfoils having the names beginning with the letter Z. 3. Tojieva, B. B. Application of green fertilizers for potatoes. 4. Kis, V. I., Mitina, K. M., Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Yu. Finding effective means to resolve the competing interests of indigenous people and mining companies. 5. Klochkova, T. I., Blagorodov, A. A., Tomilina, L. B., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Yu. Features of economic security of indigenous peoples of the North living in the Yamal-Nenets autonomous district of the AZRF. 6. Turaeva, N. A., & Asomova, M. X. GM crops and genetic engineering. 7. Savina, A. A., Bogorodsky, A. V., Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Yu. On the importance of professionalism among the enterprise team to motivate them to produce in-demand products. 8. Mikhailovsky, A. V., Gvozdenko, N. R., Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Yu. Features of the economic state of indigenous peoples of the North living in the Chukotka autonomous district of the AZRF. 9. Shvetsov, K. A., Golubeva, O. A., Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Yu. Historical specificity of the condition of indigenous peoples of the North (INN) living in the regions of the Arctic zone of the RF. 10. Kadirova, O. Kh. Small epic genre in Russian and Uzbek literature from the aspect of cyclicality (using the example of literature of the 20th century). 11. Atazhanov, Kh. New monetization opportunities for print media. 12. Levteeva, L. G. Uzbekistan is the cradle of civilization. 13. Ruzmatova, G. M. Comparative studies of the oriental and western antropology. 14. Islamova, M. B. The main mechanisms for the development of critical thinking in the educational process of higher education institutions. 15. Djumaniyazov, Sh. R. Foreign experiments on the development of farms and their promising areas. 16. Gulyamov, S. S., & Siddikov, A. J. Econometric modeling of final demand of Uzbekistan. 17. Khaitmatov, U. T., & Gazieva, V. A. The development of an access control system based on contactless ID card reading technology. 18. Yarashev, M. O. Assessment of structural changes in the agricultural network by statistical methods. 19. Zhamalova, G. G. Organizational and legal aspects of regional tourism development. 20. Hasanov, A. M. Measures to control almond and basic pests. 21. Tulyaganov, E., & Erkaboev, Zh. Problem and prospects for the development of sports management in Uzbekistan. 22. Zhanatauov, S. U. Meaningful calculations of uncorrelated variability factors of a new grain culture variety. 23. Ungarov, B. H., & Amirov, I. N. Strengthening the mathematical knowledge of primary class students by ensuring continuity in the educational process. 24. Takazov, F. M. Nart Soslan and the ancient Greek Daedalus: a typological analysis. 25. Khasanov, T. A. The main directions of the State policy of Uzbekistan and the context of the high position of the party and the international rating and index. 26. Tkeshelashvili, G., & Arjevanidze, T. Analysis of investment possibilities of intermodal transportation and terminal in Georgia. 27. Zulpykhar, Zh. Е., & Azamat, A. A. The perspectives of using virtual reality technologies in computer classrooms. 28. Akhunova, Ye. Foreign currencies as an object for investment: comparative analysis of returns on investment in 2018-2023 years. 29. Akhmedjanov, A. R. Improving the system for providing the competence of human resources at service enterprises. 30. Yakubjanova, D. K., & Murtazaeva, U. Analysis of data mining methods in electronic education. 31. Boboyeva, X. A., & Karaxodjayeva, G. M. Morpho-biological and economic characteristics of intensive apple varieties. 32. Tattibekov, K. S. Multicomponent generalizations of the MA system of equations. 33. Shomurodov, X. A., & Shakirov, B. M. Our experience in treatment of burn scars. 34. Pulatova, M. B. The most profitable investments are in industry. 35. Atazhanov, Kh. A. Jaslar TV Channel. 36. Zulpykhar, Zh. Е., & Abdikhalyk, Z. F. Pedagogical conditions for the use of information and communication technologies in the assessment of university’s students. 37. Muxiyatdinova, T. S. Distinctive features of the analytical article genre. 38. Kamalova, D. E. Characteristics of a small epic work Karakalpak. 39. Zulpykhar, Zh., & Serikbayeva, A. Formation of competence of computer science teachers in the field of network technologies. 40. Abdukadirov, J. Providing information about the shrines of Samarkand in a historical source. 41. Ganiyev, A. Establishment of Indian Science Centers. 42. Tokhtiev, Sh. R. The importance of the city of Karbala in the Shia world. 43. Zinatullayev, Z. Evolution of the public administration system in Movarounnahr in the 11th and 12th centuries. 44. Gaybullaev, S. The impact of the work “Usul” on the development of hanafi Usul al-fiqh. 45. Mamiashvili, P. The role of social networks in crisis communication – classic media trends. 46. Khundadze, D. Theory of human capital in demographic science, management of economic processes and the prospect of solving demographic problem. 47. Tsagareishvili, G. Debate about the role of the USA in the system of international relations (Woodrow Wilson - Theodore Roosevelt).