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* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630 |
Shpet, V. V., Ovchinnikov, Y. D., & Yakunina, V. A.
Effectiveness of participation of secondary schools in the GTO system of Russia. |
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Language: Russian
Citation: Shpet, V. V., Ovchinnikov, Y. D., & Yakunina, V. A. (2019). Effectiveness of participation of secondary schools in the GTO system of Russia. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 7-15. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 7-15
Published: 30.09.2019
Abstract: the all-Russian complex "Ready for labor and defense" returned from the Soviet era to the new socio-economic conditions of society. The new standards are aimed at forming a physically prepared younger generation of Russian citizens. GTO has become an additional component of the development of the sports image of the population. The rate on mass character is the main condition in the mechanism of implementation of the GTO complex with state support. Testing centers are opened all over the country, where every citizen from 5 years and up to 80 years can pass the proposed standards of physical training and receive a certificate with a mark of their achievements and one of three badges: gold, silver, bronze. In the article, the authors note the regional aspects of GTO delivery. As shown by the scientific study, not all secondary schools in Sochi were ready to pass the rules of TRP. The GTO complex is developing and requires new forms and approaches for its development in each region. But in General it is a system of measures directed by the state to maintain mass physical culture and sports. Every schoolboy and student should realize and recognize this basis for personal physical and spiritual-moral development.
Key words: participation of schools in the system, the TRP Russia, GTO festival, physical education, school sport, physical fitness, ideology and sport.