Pages: 159-167
Published: 30.03.2015
Abstract: The activities of the first vocational school in Bakhmut of Ekaterinoslav gubernia are for the first time studied in the article. It was the first institution of its kind in Russia and Ukraine, The school was opened in 1895. The educational and vocational curriculum was developed by its pedagogical staff. The director-inspector P.A. Zhyrov headed the teachers. The teaching was linked with the needs of the Donbas industry by the various methodical receptions used by teachers. There also was a contingent of so-called "trainees". They were trained technical professions without the general education cycle. The school had a good production basis which included a forge, workshops, laboratories and a library. Students produced various machine tools, furniture and tools during their vocational training in the workshops. Then all that was sold through the school's shop. The Bakhmut school became the prototype of vocational schools of the Soviet period.
Key words: student, master, teacher, trainee, inspector.