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Scientific Object Identifier: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS*03(23)28
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2015.03.23.28
Language: English
Citation: Mitaeva YI, Mozherov AM, Sokolov RA, Mukhina IV (2015) ACTIVATION NETWORK Ca2 +- CELL ACTIVITY OF THE HIPPOCAMPUS IN THE LATE NEONATAL ONTOGENESIS. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 03 (23): 168-170. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS*03(23)28 Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2015.03.23.28 |
Pages: 168-170
Published: 30.03.2015
Abstract: We investigate the spontaneous, ATP- and L-glutamate - induced changes in intracellular calcium in neurons and astrocytes CA3 field of rat hippocampus acute slices. This study allowed us to estimate the dependence of Ca2+ activity of cells of the CA3 field of rats hippocampus of late (R21-25) neonatal period of postnatal ontogenesis from the metabolic state of the cells associated with an increase in the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. Furthermore, it was shown that in a mature network, where the spontaneous Ca2+ activity of the cells is low while maintaining excitation of the neural network, adding evoked excitatory neurotransmitters causing strict synchronization of cell activity.
Key words: neuron, astrocyte, neuronal-glial networks, CA3 field, ATP, L-glutamate