ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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Editorial Board       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 02(130) 2024

Philadelphia, USA

* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630

Mikhailov, K. A., Mikhailova, I. D., Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Yu.

On the features of Russia's new defense strategy.

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Language: English

Citation: Mikhailov, K. A., Mikhailova, I. D., Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Yu. (2024). On the features of Russia's new defense strategy. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 02 (130), 120-132. Soi: Doi:

Pages: 120-132

Published: 28.02.2024

Abstract: In the article, the authors conducted a study of the new development policy of the Far East according to the criteria of compliance with the developmental state model and proposed an explanation for the identified deviations. It is shown that the transformation of goals in Far Eastern policy, the expansion of its spatial and content coverage, as well as the growth of the simulation component, are largely caused by the multitasking and structural weakness of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, its struggle to maintain positions among other ministries and departments. The research is based on open sources, archival documents and a series of anonymous semi-structured interviews with representatives of government bodies, municipalities, employees of development institutions and resident entrepreneurs of territories of rapid socio-economic development.

Key words: regional development, state, Far East, priority development territories, Far Eastern politics, bureaucracy, development institutions.








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