Achilov, A. N., Payazov, M. M., Akbarov, Z. N., & Madaminov, O. B.
Issues to improving the social situation of the population of the republic of Uzbekistan and the qualitative organization of municipal services. |
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Language: Russian
Citation: Achilov, A. N., Payazov, M. M., Akbarov, Z. N., & Madaminov, O. B. (2020). Issues to improving the social situation of the population of the republic of Uzbekistan and the qualitative organization of municipal services. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 05 (85), 708-713. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 708-713
Published: 30.05.2020
Abstract: In this article, thoughts and suggestions on the provision of high-quality public services to the population of our country were proposed. The issues of improving the social status of the country's population and the organization of quality public services are considered. In addition, the organization of measures to ensure public services and the expected socio-economic consequences of this activity. It also considers the integration of public services with e-government systems, ensuring timely payment of utilities to all consumers and improving payment discipline and a payment culture, and further improving the quality of public services and improving the quality of social life.
Key words: drinking water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity and gas supply services, “single billing” system, online system, transparent monitoring, regional services, enforcement bureaus, quality of public services, consumers, payment culture, raising legal awareness, quality of living standards. Improving the social status of the population both in our country and around the world, improving the perfection of their daily lives, largely depends on the quality of the services provided by subjects of the communal sector.