Goloperov, I. V., Baklanova, L. V., & Baklanov, A. N.
Resolution of the security of elderly people. Development of special salt mixture. |
Full Article: PDF
Scientific Object Identifier: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-05-85-48
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2020.05.85.48
Language: Russian
Citation: Goloperov, I. V., Baklanova, L. V., & Baklanov, A. N. (2020). Resolution of the security of elderly people. Development of special salt mixture. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 05 (85), 237-244. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-05-85-48 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2020.05.85.48 |
Pages: 237-244
Published: 30.05.2020
Abstract: A solution to the problem of the safety of the elderly is proposed. A special salt mixture has been developed. The salt mixture consists of the following components: sodium chloride in the form of an instant soluble scaly salt of 40-50%; lysine hydrochloride - 5; dry seaweed (kelp) shredded to a dusty state - 5-10; dry seaweed "Dunaliella Salina" crushed to a pulverized state - 20; dry blueberry leaves, crushed to a dusty state 15-19.9; magnesium citrate 5; calcium citrate 9.9-10; vitamin D3 - 0.00125 (1 ml of 0.125% solution of ergocalciferol in oil); vitamin B12 - 0.001; Vitamin B2 - 0.1. The special salt mixture has a low sodium chloride content, a light blueberry flavor, contains special plant components that slow down the aging process, does not cake for 12 months, and has a salinity corresponding to the salinity of ordinary table salt. Recommended for the nutrition of the elderly to increase the duration and improve the quality of life.
Key words: instant scaly table salt, slowing down the aging process, vitamins, magnesium and calcium citrates, blueberries, algae.