Full Article: PDF
Scientific Object Identifier: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-01-57-27
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2018.01.57.27
Language: Russian
Citation: Airo IN, Tsidaeva MK (2018) A STUDY OF THE LEVEL OF ORGANIZATION OF INPATIENT AND OUTPATIENT MEDICAL CARE TO PATIENTS WITH DIABETES IN THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH OSSETIA-ALANIA. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 01 (57): 152-155. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-01-57-27 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2018.01.57.27 |
Pages: 152-155
Published: 30.01.2018
Abstract: One of the main criteria for assessing quality of care is the generally accepted measure of patient satisfaction with appropriate medical services. The study of satisfaction of patients with diabetes level of health care as one aspect of quality of care, allows you to select the main directions and ways of its improvement.
Key words: Pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, drug supply of the population, drug supply of rural population, pharmaceutical care.