Pages: 201-208
Published: 30.01.2018
Abstract: The article reveals the role and importance of the oil industry in the formation of the country's macroeconomic indicators; its role in the development of other industries: on the basis of long-term statistical, reporting and accounting data, the state of development of oil and gas fields, the volume of production, is analyzed; The significance of the new "Contract of the Century" and the Strategic Roadmap is revealed; the reasons for the rise in price of the cost of one ton of oil and 1000 cubic meters are revealed. m of gas; the investment security of this industry, its expert capabilities, the importance of the oil factor in the formation of the state budget, the development of the economy of the non-oil sector, social infrastructure are estimated; relevant reserves are identified, opportunities for effective use of oil and gas resources and ways to further ensure economic security of Azerbaijan are indicated.
Key words: oil industry, State Oil Fund, resources, development of deposits, oil and gas, cost, investment security, export, economic security