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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 04(96) 2021
Philadelphia, USA |
Impact Factor 6.630 |
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)
e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)
Year: 2021
Issue: 04
Volume: 96
Published: 30.04.2021
Pages: 490 |
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1. Nishonov, F. M., Shaev, A. K., & Kurpayanidi, K. I. Some questions of the organization of individual works of students in mathematics in the conditions of credit training. 2. Xashimova, G. X. Socio-economic trends in the development of European society. 3. Aitmuratov, B. Night and today of the karakalpak state puppet theatre. 4. Nusratilloeva, D. N. Khurshid Davron’s social lyrics and its characteristics. 5. Saidova, M. S. About working on the polysemy of words in Russian language lessons. 6. Khashimova, K. D. Literary language and speech norms. 7. Murtazaeva, U. I. Formation of educational and research competencies of students of higher educational institutions. 8. Rayimov, Q. Q. System analysis of language and speech paradigms. 9. Tashbaev, B. O. Optimization of public debt management. 10. Tashbaev, B. O. Analysis of the effectiveness of public debt management. 11. Farhodov, S. Best practices and soft Power tools Country branding and its reflection in the global soft power rankings. 12. Khusanov, A. K., Zhuraev, M. S., Qobiljonova, G. M., & Nizomov, J. On the specialization and coevolution of juices in food plants (homoptera, aphidinea). 13. Аbdusamatova, N. J. Benefitis of using integrated training in preschool education. 14. Bafadarova, O. B., & Ahmedova, A. M. Research of the process of obtaining glass concrete on the basis of waste of the glass industry. 15. Guliyeva, A. N., & Mammadova, P. B. Nanoemulsion obtainment based on Naftalan oil. 16. Javadova, H. A., Ramazanova, Y. B. A., Yusifzadeh, G. G., Maharramova, Z. K., & Jafarova, I. A. Formulation of new lubricating compositions of M-20 Бп engine oil for marine diesel engines. 17. Abdumajidova, K. Globalization and modernization as an important feature of the development of modern society. 18. Khayitov, Z. U. The formation of the first urban culture in the South of Central Asia and its reflection in archeological materials. 19. Omonova, M. Nominative-definitive functions of components of ameliorative terms in English and Uzbek languages. 20. Sirojiddinov, I. Q., & Sirojiddinov, K. I. Opportunities for the development and increase of fruit, vegetable production and the export potential of the industry. 21. Seytnazarova, D. K., & Saparniyazova, M. A. Methodic typology of technical terms in English. 22. Balyasnikova, M. A. Recurrent images in Wordsworth’s poetry. 23. Yakubjanova, D. K., Abduganieva, O. I., & Nishanova, M. K. Formation of a simulation model for evaluating the control parameters of machine testing systems. 24. Sharapova, M. A. Issues of improving the financing of public education in the republic of Uzbekistan. 25. Umarov, K. M., Dzhuraev, M. N., & Yusupov, A. E. Possible modeling of transportation indicators in the efficient organization of transportation by vehicles. 26. Achilov, N. K. The unity of epic subjects and artistic interpretation questions. 27. Ne'matova, F. K. Modern foundations of scientific and technical translation. 28. Kazakbaiev, S. Z., et al. Innovative equipment and technologies for post-harvest grain processing. 29. Khuzhaev, M. I. Philosophical analysis of information about the Turks of Ahmad Zaki Validiyah ibn Al-Faqih. 30. Ashurmetova, N. A., Saparov, B. B., & Saparov, A. B. Methodological approaches for assessing the efficiency of innovations in agriculture. 31. Narmuratov, I. Modern pedagogical technologies in Russian language and literature lessons. Lesson constructor. 32. Chemezov, D., et al. The static analysis of bevel gears engagement. 33. Dosekeev, J. I., & Idriisov, P. J. Trends of hotel business development and opportunities for Uzbekistan. 34. Djumanov, O. I., Kholmonov, S. M., & Shukurov, L. E. Optimization of the credibility of information processing based on hyper semantic document search. 35. Djumanov, O. I., Kholmonov, S. M., & Ganiev, J. M. Optimization of data processing based on neural networks and properties of non-stationary objects. 36. Yurchenko, O. I., Chernozhuk, T. V., & Kravchenko, O. A. Atomic absorption and atomic emission with inductively coupled plasma and X-ray determination of Cadmium and Nickel in soils using ultrasound, Triton X-100, and metal acetylacetonates. 37. Ubaydullayev, S. N., et al. Attitudes to work in German, Russian, and Uzbek cultures (using folk proverbs as an example). 38. Abdiramasheva, K. S. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetes. 39. Aitmetova, G. A. Features of the course of coronavirus infection in children. 40. Abiev, N. A., & Turar, Z. Implementation in maple Bogoliubov-Krylov averaging method. 41. Tazhenova, G. E., Taspanova, A., Tleubergenov, R., & Dosmuratova, S. K. Regulatory framework for financing the export of agricultural products. 42. Altaeva, G. A., Ussenova, S. M., Abdrakhmanova, A. T., & Alpysbai, L. A. Considering student anxiety problems. 43. Imanbekova, G. S., Ussenova, S. M., Ospanova, P. A., & Sagat, I. N. Prerequisites for organizing training groups in a comprehensive study of personality. 44. Salimbaeva, S. O., Altayeva, G. A., Ussenova, S. M., & Saylybayeva, K. A. Theoretical analysis of the emotional-willed characteristics of teenagers in the children's house. 45. Juraeva, M. A. Classification of auxiliary words in abdurahman jamiy's work «Al-Favoidu-z-Ziyoiya». 46. Qo'chqarova, M. A. Solving text problems in simple and convenient ways. 47. Qushaliyeva, N. Y. Extracurricular reading lessons as a key factor in preparation for the pirls international assessment program. 48. Zokirova, S. M., & Sodikova, M. S. Formation of creative literacy in modern youth and the value of mnemonic technology. 49. Zokirova, S. M., & Axmedova, M. U. Use of place names in Boburnoma. 50. Toshboyeva, S. R., & Turg’unova, N. M. The role of mathematical olympiads in the development of individual consciousness. 51. Xusanova, M. A. The use of archaism in the works of Farida Afroz . 52. Hafizova, F. O. Interrelation of the concepts of myth, mythology, mythologism, mythopoetics. 53. Utemuratov, M., Rashidova, M., Sultonova, N., & Azimova, C. Family and marriage relations in the works of the great thinkers of the renaissance. 54. Turdimambetov, I. R., Oteuliev, M. O., & Karimbaev, Q. K. The current state of medical service in the quality of life of the population of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. 55. Qudratov, A. Socio-political factors of the volunteer movement development in Uzbekistan. 56. Rakhimova, F. S., & Abaeva, N. C. Scientific substantiation of the process of organizing students' independent work in mastering a foreign language. 57. Askarova, F. M. Language of works of Maximus the Greek’s. 58. Yuldashev, J. Developing axiological world view in students in teaching history. 59. Chutiboyeva, S. I. Phraseologism in the roman F. M. Dostoevsky “Poor people”. 60. Valiyeva, S. A. Requirements for the structure, content and design of multimedia electronic textbooks. 61. Ramazanova, C. E., Naibova, T. M., Mammadova, A. A., & Ahmadova, T. R. The composite based on modified epoxy oligomer. 62. Salohiddinov, M. S. Features of using «Case study» in teaching students foreign language: analytical review. 63. Yasseen, F. A., Hussein, T. A., & Abo Nasria, A. H. Density functional theory study: Adsorption of small gas molecules on aluminium phosphorene monolayer. 64. Nadirov, P. A., & Miriyeva, N. M. Study of the process of ethylene conversion on NaY seolite and its modified samples. 65. Kuldashev, A. M., & Kuldasheva, S. A. On the nature of changes in Germanic languages under the influence of the great migration of peoples. 66. Rasulova, M. S., Wahedi, N. G., Pulatova, R. R., & Rasulov, S. H. The effects of quarantine on the students of higher education. 67. Norov, S. The idea of moderation in Islam. 68. Azimov, S. Philosophical aspects of globalization. 69. Safarov, A. I. Philosophical aspects of globalization. 70. Alikulov, S. Globalization of the world economy. 71. Burkhanova, M. B. Family relationships and women in society at the beginning of the XX century: (Based on the views of Abdurauf Fitrat). 72. Kurbonov, S. Characteristics and technological properties of basalt raw materials in the production of portland cement clinker. 73. Kholmurodov, K. Comparative images in Alisher Nava’i's poetry transformation. 74. Dostiyeva, S. T. Treasure of silver thalers from Bibiani village of Lerik district. 75. Abdullaev, A. M., & Nabieva, N. M. Marketing strategy as the basis of efficient development of the enterprise. 76. Safarmakhmatova, Z. N. Paremiological funds of language. 77. Tarakhovskiy, A. Experience in integrating CAD/CAM/CAE technologies in the bachelor's curriculum. 78. Teshboyev, D. R. On the semantical analysis of the parypredicative units of complex following. 79. Mamutova, A. Y. Study of the current state of incidence with brucellosis. 80. Mamutova, A. Y., & Moldaliyev, I. S. Epidemiology and clinical features of brucellosis. 81. Boboqulova, G. T. The place and role of the national idea (ideology) in the life of society and its general principles. 82. Artikova, S. M. About modern methods of teaching English. 83. Gaziyeva, D. M., & Kushmatova, M. Main subjects of mediacommunication. 84. Zokirov, M. T. About the interrelationships of linguistics and psychology. 85. Fattohov, K. K., & Umarova, N. R. The use of Arabicism in the works of Navoi. 86. Ainakulov, Z. Z., Kurmankulova, G. E., & Zhumakozhaeva, A. G. Development and implementation of visual data models from UAV. 87. Yakubov, S., & Zokirov, Z. Love for parents and reverence for them – the main link of education. 88. Rakhimov, G. M., & Safarov, J. Audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors: the main stages of its implementation and the specifics of performing audit procedures. 89. Norqulova, S. T. Adab in the interpretation of Alisher Navoi. 90. Khamraeva, M. A. Interpretation of history in the story «Hisomiddin Al-Yagi» by Shayim Butaev. 91. Gaffarova, G. G., & Jalalova, G. O. Human capital as the basis of society development. 92. Asrarova, M. U. The significance of M. N. Boltaev's scientific research on the poetic, spiritual, and mystical-philosophical heritage of the outstanding thinker Nuriddin Abdurakhman Jami. 93. Azimov, I. T., & Azimov, B. I. The current state of the vegetation cover of the Akhangaran. 94. Allayeva, M. Z., & Shakhmurova, M. A. Some pharmacological properties of plant collection derived from Cynara L, Silybum marianum, Flores Helichrysi arenarii, Stigmata Maydis. 95. Mamatazizova, E. K., & Mamatazizova, N. K. Concept of corruption (by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic). 96. Mamatazizova, E. K., & Mamatazizova, N. K. Family violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Kyrgyz Republic.