Full Article: PDF
Scientific Object Identifier: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-04-96-68
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2021.04.96.68
Language: English
Citation: Azimov, S. (2021). Philosophical aspects of globalization. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 04 (96), 339-342. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-04-96-68 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2021.04.96.68 |
Pages: 339-342
Published: 30.04.2021
Abstract: One of the most relevant topics in modern social philosophy is the topic of globalization. Within the framework of this very broad topic, questions are actively discussed about the causes, essence, the beginning of globalization, about its subjects, direction, about the features of the development of the global world, about the interaction of cultures, about the structure of the global world, about managing the world community and building a new world order, as well as about negative phenomena generated by globalization, such as increased uncontrolled migration, nationalism, chaos, international terrorism, anti-globalization protests. Moreover, there is no unity of opinion on various aspects of globalization, which indicates not only the novelty of this phenomenon, but also the insufficient study of this topic and the urgent need to study it.
Key words: globalization, economics, culture, community, ideology, society, development.