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* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630 |
Altaeva, G. A., Ussenova, S. M., Abdrakhmanova, A. T., & Alpysbai, L. A.
Considering student anxiety problems. |
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Language: Russian
Citation: Altaeva, G. A., Ussenova, S. M., Abdrakhmanova, A. T., & Alpysbai, L. A. (2021). Considering student anxiety problems. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 04 (96), 215-219. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 215-219
Published: 30.04.2021
Abstract: The authors of the article presented an analysis of the feelings of anxiety and fear in students. The article provides an overview of the scientific works of foreign and domestic psychologists on the problem of the genesis of feelings of anxiety, fear and panic attacks in children and ways of overcoming the indicated psychological personality traits. The work examines in detail the mechanisms leading to neurosis, such as fear, fear of difficulties. The authors analyzed the works devoted to the disclosure of the nature of anxiety. In the article, the concept of the nature of anxiety is considered from two sides: anxiety as a property that is written to a person from birth, and anxiety as a person's reaction to a hostile external world. The authors pay great attention to the social origin of feelings of anxiety and panic attacks and propose effective methods of dealing with unreasonable feelings of anxiety and fear.
Key words: Adler, fear, panic, anxiety human.