Full Article: PDF
Scientific Object Identifier: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-04-96-82
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2021.04.96.82
Language: English
Citation: Artikova, S. M. (2021). About modern methods of teaching English. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 04 (96), 414-417. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-04-96-82 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2021.04.96.82 |
Pages: 414-417
Published: 30.04.2021
Abstract: This article discusses the most effective methods of teaching a foreign language and their use in the educational process.
Key words: communicative culture, information technology, project method, multimedia programs, communicative competencies.