Nishonov, F. M., Shaev, A. K., & Kurpayanidi, K. I.
Some questions of the organization of individual works of students in mathematics in the conditions of credit training. |
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Language: English
Citation: Nishonov, F. M., Shaev, A. K., & Kurpayanidi, K. I. (2021). Some questions of the organization of individual works of students in mathematics in the conditions of credit training. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 04 (96), 1-7. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 1-7
Published: 30.04.2021
Abstract: The current stage of construction and reform of higher education in Uzbekistan imposes qualitatively new requirements for the organization, content and methodology of the learning process in higher educational institutions, its individualization and differentiation. The rapid social changes taking place in society form the need for high-class specialists. In this regard, the process of introducing credit education in the country becomes relevant. The article considers some problems of the education sector, in particular, the actual problems of organizing individual works in mathematics in the context of the implementation of credit training. The analysis revealed that the methodology of teaching mathematics faced the task of improving the theory and practice of training a specialist who meets the entire complex of modern requirements. The authors prove that the disclosure and improvement of students' individuality occurs in the process of mastering the knowledge of the basics of higher mathematics at the university, so the individualization of learning does not free students from learning tasks that are difficult for them.
Key words: credit training, competitiveness, mathematics, teaching methods, quality of knowledge, skills, professionalism, training, innovative technologies.